1. Complete Congo River Cruise – 22 Days
(Kisangani-Kinshasa 1734 Km)
With a total length of 4371 km, the Congo River is the second longest river in Africa after the Nile, and with an average flow rate of 40,000 cubic meters per second, it is the second largest river in the world after the Amazon. It also holds claim as the deepest river in the world with measured depths in excess of 220 m (720 ft). From its source in southern Katanga, at an altitude of 1435 meters, the river contours throughout the country, via Kisangani, Mbandaka, Kinshasa and Matadi before reaching the Atlantic Ocean, near Banana.
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2. Congo River Cruise – Best Of DR Cruising!
Is this expensive for such a trip? – No. Here is why: Try to calculate and plan this trip out for yourself before you ask for any discounts. This is the price and sorry upfront we will not entertain versions of this trip you have heard on Lonely Planet Thorntree or TripAdvisor from self-styled travelers with multiple claims and stories, some of which are great, and some of which are exaggerated or unverified. Any traveler is free to attempt this trip on their own and we wish them luck.
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3. Congo River Cruise – Best Of Brazza Cruising!
THIS IS THE BEST TRIP YOU CAN DO ON THE ROC SIDE OF THE RIVER – UBANGUI INCLUDED – Wanna do an epic Congo River journey but stay out of DRC? This is the one for you….From the land of the pygmies and the pygmy capital of the Congo and the world at the doorstep of the Tele and Lokouala Swamps, out into the Heart of Darkness deep in the Congo Basin.
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4. Boat Trip from Brazzaville to Oyo
Four days of travelling on Congo River just may be the realest and most raw experience you will ever have. While the boat is a far cry from luxury, it offers just a glimpse into what life is like in the Congo. As you coast along the Congo River, you’re surrounded by an incomparable beauty, a rainforest that is almost completely untouched. Should you have some extra time, you can extend your trip by three days to visit the Louna National Park and visit Lowland Gorillas, or by five days to visit both the Louna Gorillas and Park and the Lefini River and Lefini Elephant Sanctuary for African Forest Elephants!
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5. Salonga National Park Expedition From the Congo River
This is a serious frontier expedition into Africa’s largest tropical jungle reserve and one of its most remote reaches of rainforest. It does not take you into the dangerous areas of Kasai and rebel-held territories, and approaches from the mostly de-populated north from the equator and the Congo River.
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6. Introduction to the Congo-Basin: one week on the river
Africa, the mother continent where it all began and home to our most precious forests and wildlife. A wild continent covered in deserts, savanna, deep forest and rich in culture, wildlife and much more. Among the travel community, the ones who make it to the continent are still few and most of them go on safari in countries like South-Africa, Kenya and Tanzania, which are all well explored by now. But the truly wild adventure is to be found in the green heart of Africa: Congo.
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7. Deep exploration of the Congo-Basin by boat: riverlife, fishing and wildlife
Welcome to the Republic of Congo, the setting of your upcoming adventure hopefully! Congo-Brazzaville is one of the greenest countries in Africa and home to deep jungle, marshland, mighty rivers and an abundance of wildlife such as elephants, chimpanzees, gorillas and much more. Together with Congo-Kinshasa, Central African Republic and Gabon it is one of the wildest and most impenetrable places in the continent. There are still whole regions which remain unexplored in the Congo Basin, one of the most diverse and most important ecosystems in our planet. It is a magnificent area which is visited by very few tourists and the region we’re taking you has seen very few outsiders, meaning you’ll have a very unique and authentic experience in one of the greenest and most special places in the continent.
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8. The deep forests of Odzala and Congo Basin River Tour: two weeks
Although it doesn’t look that huge on the map next to its big neighbors, Congo-Brazzaville is a big country with endless forests, savanna, marshlands, countless rivers and streams and hills covered with jungle and bamboo. It is a marvelous county located in the heart of Africa and one of the greenest regions in the continent. Tourism-wise little is known about this little gem and there still is a lack of information out there and very few people ever come to visit Congo. For the ones who have read about it, it is often hard to make a choice what to visit as there is so much to see and do.
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9. Epic River Journey From Bangui To Kinshasa: Pymys, Bonobos and Tigerfish
This trip is as fascinating and adventurous as our trip on the Congo River, with the main difference that this trip doesn’t only let you see Congo-Kinshasa, but also Congo-Brazzaville and the Central African Republic as well. You will get to taste the vibes of the capital of Bangui, visit the pygmy tribes in the south and enter the legendary land of the Lake Télé Reserve in Congo-Brazzaville. We will see crocodiles, hippos and strange fish such as lungfish and eels along the way and in Congo-Kinshasa we will go into the rainforest to track wild bonobos! We will end our tour in either Brazzaville or Kinshasa, depending on your choice.
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10. Two weeks On The Congo River: Wagenia Falls, Tribes And Bonobos (New Tour, 2022)
The ultimate trip in Africa and maybe even the whole world. The last frontier and one of the wildest adventures of a lifetime. Descend the Congo River starting from Kisangani. Visit the Wagenia Falls and get to meet the fishermen. See Yangambi and meet the tribes along the way of the Congo River. See the pygmy tribes at Mbandaka and go track the bonobos in the rainforest (guaranteed sighting). Meet the fishermen and try out fishing goliath tiger fish on the Congo River. End your epic Congo River travel in Kinshasa and meet the sapeurs and other colorful people.