Local Fishermen on the Sangha River

Pangolin being nursed back to health

Wildlife preserve where Dzanga Bai and the Forest Elephants and Gorillas are protected

Every son needs a father to help him find his way… but how did we end up here?

Fresh fruit for sale on the runway Bayunga in the Central African Republic.

Safely on the ground…

Christopher is ecstatic seeing for real what he has studied since he was 5.

The camp is on the Sangha river deep in the Congo Basin in Central African Republic.
It is truly magical.

Greetings from Central African Republic deep in the Congo basin.

This baby was completely submerged enjoying the water and mud coating on his skin

Alamand left and do-si-do... The Forest Elephants and especially babies were so fun to see

Forest Elephants in a friendly test of strength

Ba’Aka pygmies posting for a photo

grey-cheeked mangabey monkey - one of about 20-30 we were tracking. Very hard to photograph due to obstacles trees and branches in the forest and they are constantly moving. This one stuck his tongue out at us.

We were within 5 feet of this Western Lowland Silverback with his family, including twin babies