Okapi Reserve (Currently Open, but not repopulated by Okapis) Tours and Visiting Travel
CTT is very serious about promoting the reserve, the Okapi project, and aiding sustain attention,conservation, and tourism to the park. The park does not have tourist standard lodges so we typically send in our own team and camping and cooking setup to “mobile basecamp” the tourist in the Okapi tour. – However, of course, there is no guarantee to see any Okapis (one of the most elusive and shy mammals in the jungle world fortunately for its survival.)
This is not a budget tour and also is not a tour that can be completed without any flexibility or strict fly in-and-out dates. Please plan to begin the tour in Kinshasa in order to bring you into Kisangani and then organize transport to the park,
1. Unfortunately ICCN would not be able to pick up visitors to the Reserve in Kisangani or anywhere else. CTT needs to bring you with the state security and local permits,
2. There will be at least 1 or 2 days of traveling depending on road and safety conditions.
3. The Reserve used to have a campground which was just dedicated for tourists. Unfortunately it is taken by a consulting company who is training security and recruited Rangers, and both of the paillotes reserved for camping are taken by the security trainees. Also since the last looting, there are no longer tents available. There is a shower house with toilets available but the water comes from the river. We have drinking water from a source who is about 5 minutes away. The paillote is open but has electricity. We will bring tents and tables and supplies and everything.

4. We hire out a cook for a daily rate and assistance as well
5. There are no park fees as of 2022-2023
6. Today several rangers and 1 guide are requested and of course some Mbuti people as porters are necessary as well. Their daily costs are paid by you , plus it is requested to provide the food for everyone this is at your cost.
7. Traditional net hunt with the Mbutie people can be arranged.
8. A jungle-jutting scenic mountainous Inselberg is just a couple of hours of walk to reach, and this is a great day trip from our Okapi host camp, with again people who accompany the visitors needing to be paid.
9. One other main trip we may sync with Okapi reserve, which takes between 5 to 6 days from the host base camp is visiting an Edo (a bit like a bai or clearing ike in Dzanga or Ndoki, but better this remote) – This is an opening in the forest where animals and birds are visiting. Check with us carefully for intel on request for this, as we have to be sure at the time of asking if this trip is possible due to security at the moment you ask. You must be fit and healthy to make this trip, as it is serious deep jungle wilderness.
10. Unfortunately no Okapis are currently in captivity at the Head Quarter and one is very lucky to see an Okapi in the wild. One can see various species of monkeys, African grays, Hornbills, Turacos etc.
This tour starts and ends in Kinshasa. We stay in our own tents our crew sets up in and around the paillote and ranger/science camp at the host Okapi center. At the moment they have no militia group operating in the Reserve. The road from Kisangani has two checkpoints but they control just if your papers or visas are correct (which we manage for you and is mandatory,) but as far as Congo goes it’s no major hassle.
Book in advance please.